Platform for Vectorizing Pixelated Images

Professional raster to vector conversion service Have you every wondered which vector platform to choose while in desperate need for improving the quality of your jpeg and other raster images? If yes, then you are in the right place. We are a professional image to vector conversion service which provides low cost solutions for restoring the pixelated pictures such as logos, maps, photos, various pictures, etc. Our team consists of real professionals who have worked in the industry for over 14 years. This means that we have expertise not only in graphic design, but also in printing [...]


What is vector art? It is a piece of artwork that is created in vector graphics applications.  How does vector image work?  To understand the concept we need to compare it with other type of artworks: bitmaps (rasters). These images are usually displayed on a computer screen - digital drawings, paintings, photos that appear on Internet, video games, movies. Bitmaps consist of a grid of full pixels that resemble tiny squares. These squares are the smallest points that comprise a visual. In graphic design a square defines the smallest unit of measurement. High resolution images [...]

Image Conversion: JPG to Vector

Anyone who has ever used a computer in one way or another has come across with JPG images. Those are considered lossy type of digital pictures that keep losing their quality after each consecutive Save command. Loss in quality might not be significant for the eye, however when the function repeats, each time some pixel data gets lost wearing out pictures' sharpness. JPG has been created by the Joint Photographic Experts Group Committee. It is widely used in digital photography, mostly 2 dimensional graphic design, websites. Many professional and nonprofessional cameras allow to capture [...]


Imagine you are a marketing team’s leader with significant years of experience behind your shoulders leading a newly established advertising company. You are to head to a very prestigious advertising fair where you'll be able to meet long term partners ready to invest in your business and improve your position in the industry. You have already booked all the necessary tickets, taken care of all the accommodation, and suddenly there is a last minute emergency. Your company designer tells you that you have a problem, the logo file has disappeared from the computer for unknown reasons [...]