The global outbreak of coronavirus is upsetting. We leapt into 2020 as if it was another year of fails and successes. However, no one imagined that we would become prisoners of our own time. In most of the counties, we have been living a new life with restrictions as described in Geroge Orevel's 1984 novel. And the situation still remains uncertain though some countries are slowly easing the restrictions. Though many publications have been done about virus prevention and risk mitigation, our team thought that it would be nice to remind the public once more of basic actions that each of us can take to avoid the virus spreading and simply saving lives of our planet. Below you can see 7 JPEG posters that you can also download as a vector PDF file. Feel free to print them, distribute them or spread them among your friends. 




Wash your hands frequently and also use alcogel.

Super IMPORTANT: avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

Make sure you cover your mouth when coughing.

Do avoid crowded spaces as the risk of getting infected is multiplied.

Stay at home if you feel unwell and call a doctor if your weakness continues.

Seek medical care if you have symptoms of coughing, fever, difficulty in breaking, loss of taste or smell. 

Try to read information about COVID-19  from trusted sources. Nowadays, lots of information is false and needs double-checking. 


And most importantly STAY SAFE and spread the safety rules to keep your neighbours, mothers and fathers, grandparents safe. 

Download vector quality posters here.

The source: World Health Organization and Canva

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