Vector graphics bring new dimensions to the world of visual art. New textures, filters, color combinations spiced up with transparency effects and creative tools allow artists to create complex and impressive illustrations of our reality, past or future. We definitely live in exceptional times, not because almost anyone can become an artist or use new drawing technological possibilities to create innovative representations of our environment, cities, objects, and abstract notions, but because everyone who has artistic skill can promote his/her works across the universe right from home.

Today we would like to introduce to you the works of an illustrator from Morocco. He creates mesmerizing vector artworks of urban architecture and landscape with unique and vivacious coloring pallets. And he does this all using vector graphic application Affinity Designer which is a competitor software of Adobe Illustrator. His name is Romain Trystram who works as art director. You will find that he applies neon colors and bight lights on dark backgrounds to express the night life of urban areas. 

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architectureVector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Vector image of urban architecture

Also you can see more stunning works from Romain if you visit his portfolio by this link.


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